The adventures of Eared Grant, purveyor of human artefacts (Eared's journey #1)

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Thanks to @GnarledMonster for the drawings of Eared and Kester!

With the Rolling Coast setting including so much content, let’s go on an adventure through it together!

This topic will be an ongoing adventure of a lone mouse as they arrive at and adventure through the Rolling Coast Amusement and Water Park. As new things happen, you will all get to vote on what happens next and where the mouse goes, while we roll for random encounters, describing what happens. The result will be a collaborative story that we create together.

The adventure will use the Mausritter core rules, along with the setting, creatures, characters, items, and adventures from Rolling Coast.

:mouse2: Only logged-in users will be able to vote on what happens and reply to this topic, so if you haven’t already, you can join for free or login here.

So…let’s get started!

As we begin this journey, we first need to decide who we will be guiding through this adventure. Using the Mausritter Make a Mouse tool, we rolled up a few options, so please vote below on who you would most like to see make their way through Rolling Coast. The mouse with the most votes will be our adventurer for this journey.

Expand the section below the poll to see the full stats and items for each option.

Who will be going on this adventure?
  • Marjoram Winterholme, the fishermouse
  • Boldo Halva, the ale brewer
  • Eared Grant, the merchant
  • Alder Baiter, the wall rover
  • Myrtle White, the test subject
  • Burdock Summerholme, the librarian
  • Marigold Seedfall, the street tough
  • Crocus Ratschlappe, the cartographer
0 voters
Expand this to see the full stats and items for each character

We also need to decide what their weapon of choice will be:

What will be the primary weapon of our adventurer?
  • Needle (Light melee - 1 slot, d6 damage)
  • Slingshot with stones (Light ranged - 2 slots, d6 damage)
  • Axe (Medium melee - 1 slot, d6/d8 damage)
  • Hookarm (Heavy melee - 2 slots, d10 damage)
  • Bow and arrows (Heavy ranged - 3 slots, d8 damage)
0 voters

Feel free to comment below to discuss things and, once we have decided, our chosen mouse will set off on their adventure!

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Super excited for this addition to the Tiny Tails offerings! Excited to see how this goes!

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The ongoing adventure of Eared Grant, purveyor of human artefacts

Thanks to @GnarledMonster for the drawings of Eared and Kester!

As Eared Grant, travelling merchant, groggily opens his eye, the first thing he sees is his loyal pack rat staring into his face. At least, he thought Kester was loyal - his companion ran and hid at the first sign of trouble!

A gang of rats set upon the two of them while they were approaching Rolling Coast, where Eared has been hoping to find the noblemouse who owes him money. A very one-sided fight ensued, as Eared didn’t even have a chance to make use of his trusty slingshot. The gang easily defeated them and took everything - all the human curios he had collected were taken by the violent rats. It looks like Kester dropped his pack as he ran off, so now they had nothing.

Eared sat up and rummaged through his pockets. At least the rats had left his eye patch, his slingshot and the meagre food supplies he had with him - apparently his snacks were deemed too unworthy for a meal. Small mercies. They were wrapped in something far more valuable, though - a note issued by the noblemouse he’d been seeking, saying just how much the pompous cur owed him: 20 pips. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but a week’s worth of food for Eared.

Eared and Kester dusted themselves off and moved off the path - this wasn’t the first time they had been attacked, and it probably won’t be the last. This time, however, Eared vowed to get stronger - train up, find some better gear, and be ready for when the next assault came. Looking up at the towering edifice that is Rolling Coast, he decided this would be the place it would happen. Many mice had made their fortunes here, and Eared decided he would join their ranks. He would get his goods back, find the mouse who owed him money, and do what he could to become stronger and more capable of defending himself.

But first, they must rest. Kester set to work making a small fire to keep them warm, and they huddled around it. Tomorrow they would enter Rolling Coast and see what fortune had in store for them.

Waking up the next morning, Eared felt refreshed and ready for a new adventure. He stretched his legs, smoothed down his chocolate fur, and took stock of his body, feeling energised with his new mission.

He looked over at Kester, who was stretching his legs and looked ready to get moving.

Now, they had to decide how they would approach the sprawling establishment. Surveying the options, they had a few choices:

  1. Through the front ticket booths - this would be the most direct route, but it would be crawling with humans. To stay safe, they would have to wait until nightfall, and then who knows what dangers would be awaiting them in the dark.
  2. The gap in the fence could work, although he had seen the gang who attacked him running through there, so there was a strong chance he would run into them again.
  3. The forest would conceal their entry well, but could contain unknown risks - he had seen some dangerous looking birds circling around it.
  4. They could circle around to the waste dump on the other side of the park - it would definitely be free of humans, but he had spotted some tough-looking creatures moving around in there.
  5. The west lot looks fairly deserted, but that’s what was concerning - there could be anything waiting for them as they ventured through there.

How should they enter the park? Vote below!

:mouse2: Any logged-in user can vote - you can join for free or login here.

Feel free to reply to this post to discuss the unfolding story.

How should Eared and Kester enter Rolling Coast?
  • Ticket booths
  • Gap in the fence
  • Forest
  • Waste dump
  • West lot
0 voters

Thanks to @GnarledMonster for letting us use some of his illustrations to depict Eared and Kester. While they aren’t strictly accurate, since Eared currently carries a sling and Kester’s pack is empty for now, they look awesome, and it’s great to have some visuals to work from!

To continue our journey - I’ll roll on the Night Encounters table from Rolling Coast:

@dice d6

Rolling d6:

:game_die: 4

A 4 on the Night Encounters table is “d6 members of Quillbane’s retinue collecting tributes”.

So let’s roll d6 to see how many members there are:

@dice d6

Rolling d6:

:game_die: 1

On with our story…

After analysing their options, Eared decides the direct route through the ticket booths is the best option for entry into Rolling Coast. He wisely chooses to wait for nighttime, so their approach will be hidden from the humans.

As the two quietly approach the entrance, a rather official looking mouse runs up to them:

“You there! You are entering Quillbane’s domain - all who enter here must pay him tribute. Refusal to do so will end most unfortunately…”

Eared halts Kester behind him while considering his options. He eyes the sharp looking porcupine quill the mouse is wielding and looks around to see who else is nearby, but the area appears to be deserted.

The mouse is still about a foot away from Eared, and he instinctively holds his sling tighter as he decides what to do.

Vote below to decide what happens next!

:mouse2: Any logged-in user can vote - you can join for free or login here.

What should Eared do?
  • Attack the mouse
  • Offer some rations as tribute
  • Offer his 20p IOU from a noblemouse as tribute
  • Refuse to offer tribute and let himself be captured
  • Try to charm the mouse so he doesn’t need to offer anything
  • Run away
0 voters