Introducing: Ten Acre Games (and a huge bundle giveaway!)

Since I started publishing my tabletop work, I’ve done so under my own name. As I seek to collect my many varied projects together, I’ve felt the need to have a brand under which I can bring all my published work.

So, today, I’m pleased to announce that I have launched just such a brand:

Ten Acre Games

Ten Acre Games giveaway!

Thanks to Penflower Ink for the beautiful logo!

Read on for a massive bundle giveaway…

All of my work will continue to be available in the same places - primarily on Itch and DriveThruRPG. The only immediate change is that you will start to see the Ten Acre Games name and logo showing up on my games, modules, and tools (although it will take me a couple of months to add it to all of my existing work).

Some other places you can find Ten Acre Games:

  • The new Ten Acre Games website is the most central and searchable place to find everything I have published (including any collaborations). I’ll continue to update this every time I release something new.
  • Ten Acre Games also has its own Itch page - if you’re on Itch you can follow that profile for updates, as all my work will be published under my own name as well as Ten Acre Games going forward.
  • I have rebranded my DriveThruRPG page to Ten Acre Games - if you follow me on there already, you’ll still be following the rebranded page.

Why the name?

The first two TTRPG books I published are Kiwi Acres and 10 Downing - they have both been hugely impactful for me and my journey as a game designer, and merging them into one name felt like a good way to acknowledge that.

The logo was designed by the inimitable Penflower Ink with some guidance from myself on what I was looking for, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

A Ten Acre Games giveaway!

:information_source: This giveaway is now closed! See below for the winners!

To celebrate this new phase in my tabletop work and the launch of Ten Acre Games, I have two Ten Acre Games bundles to give away! The bundle includes:

How can you get your hands on one of the bundles?

To stand a chance to win one of the two bundles, you must reply to this post with a quick story of something that happened during a tabletop gaming session for any game - it can be any story you like, no matter how short (even just one sentence is fine), and can be from any game, whether you were a player or GM! If the session you tell us about was using something from Ten Acre Games or any of the Rolling Coast modules, you’ll get an additional entry.

For an extra entry into the draw, vote on the latest open poll in the ongoing adventure of Eared Grant to decide what happens next in the story!

The extra entries are in addition to the story you reply with here - only people who reply here will be entered into the draw.

I’ll collate all the entries from people who reply to this post, add in additional entries for stories that fit the criteria for that, as well as anyone who also votes in a poll in the ongoing adventure. After that, I will use the dice roller on this forum to pull two random names from the list - the more entries you have, the greater the chance you’ll win. I’ll contact the winners to confirm their delivery address, and send the bundles out.

To enter the giveaway by replying to this post, you will need to be logged in - you can join for free and login here.

Entries to the giveaway will be open until Invalid date. After which I will post that entries are closed, and select the two winners, announcing them on this site.

I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s game table stories!

Ten Acre Games -


I haven’t gotten a lot of chances to play Mausritter though I love the premise (can’t wait for my Tomb of a Thousand Doors boxset from the KS). I did get the chance to play Shattered Rain and really enjoyed it. My characters random background was a trap disarmer so he came with scars and old wounds from his profession. That gave me a chance to walk among the creatures because I had a similar appearance (don’t want to spoil anything). It was one of those great opportunities that come with RPGs and I loved it. The adventure was a lot of fun, I’d recommend it. I hope to get more chances to play Mausritter in the future. Thanks for offering the giveaway, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. (Edit for thanks).

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I love that - turning a visual part of your character into a playable mechanic. Shattered Rain is genuinely one of my favourite Mausritter adventures and one I thoroughly enjoy running.

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During a session of Space 1889, my disabled inventor in her liftwood personal transport device had to chase down the main villian while he was using an ornithopter. The villian crashed into a steppe tiger cage and quickly surrendered so that our party had to protect him from the enraged creature. The narrative of both flying down a crowded street was enjoyed by all at the table


Sounds like a lot of fun! Those kinds of shenanigans are always a blast.

Hi there,
Congratulations on the expansion of your range of games.
I’ve enjoyed playing Mausritter and recently played the hilarious lawnmower menace.
Unfortunately my poor little mouse was attacked by the possums and didn’t survive so the first game was pretty short.
I played it again a couple of times and succeeded on the third game.


Hi Hugh, congrats on the new branding, it really suits you!

Yesterday I had a session of Kiwi Acres with my kid! We played Underground Escape and for the first encounter I rolled an injured mouse. I asked if she wanted to stop and help or keep running and she looked at me as if it wasn’t even a question. She gave him water and rations (she knows that makes mice recover HP), and she helped him cross any other random obstacles. She’s too good for moral problems, it’s not even a choice for her :rofl:

It was great, thank you for facilitating this time with her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Mausritter certainly can be deadly! Thanks for playing the Lawnmower Menace - I’m glad you had fun with it :slight_smile:


Underground Escape is loads of fun. It’s great to hear your kid went straight to empathy and helping - that’s always wonderful to hear. Really happy that you’re having a great time with Kiwi Acres :smile:

Almost 2 years ago now. The game is Mausritter. My kids (9&10 at the time ) and I love it. We are very much low/no conflict people and the setting allows me to guide to more problems and less mean/violence.

10yo rolls up her character: Bunny Seedfall and fills out Bunny’s story all on her own.
9yo rolls up his character: Rook Burley and dices for the rest. Local guard.

While setting the stage and wandering through the town to help learn mechanics and establish stories, friends and “people you should just know dad”(as the 10yo states so knowingly!:rofl:), they meet the a Noble.

The Noble is worried about Stumpsville (opening adventure), but my kids want to know what the mouses name is. So to the tables I go and roll away.

Crocus Burley!!! The three of us are astounded (me most of all!) and a familial tie is made between the Noble and the Guard and 2 years later, after adventures and more - it is still one of our favorite moments.

(That and when the 9 yo chased off the bees with a stick instead of making friends - no matter how many times I restarted the scene to try again!:rofl::rofl::man_facepalming:.)

I kickstarted Thousand doors the physical and previously bought the digital. Same with Bernpyle stuff and others. Kiwi acres has been on our list for a bit. Regardless of how it turns out - thanks for the fun and memories (and those subtle life lessons I stick in too!).


Thank you for the opportunity to a great give away!
I mainly solo RPG and I don’t have much for concrete story moments but there is nothing better than rolling on a table for a random event etc and having a flash of inspiration on how it applies to the situation. I’m not very creative and for me, it’s so exciting when I actually come up with something that’s interesting for a plot line.


First of all, great idea and congratulations on making the decision!

Had a bunch of fun with Campsite Caper-- almost lost the whole party to a grease fire :sweat_smile:. Looking forward to all the new content you’re working on!


My first time GMing Mausritter and first time with my family, playing Stumpsville. My daughter decided that she wanted to take out the rats in the hall by shooting the chandelier off the ceiling. Rule of Cool kicked in and just made her roll for it, perfect roll and a few panic rolls later she’d cleared out the entire hall of rats with a single arrow…


I am just getting back into TTRPGs (even though I buy lots of stuff). My most recent game was a Roll 20 game of Basic Fantasy where we recovered a ring from a hand being eaten by a giant vulture. I really want to play more TTRPGs since I recently retired. There are so many systems and adventures that I want to try, particularly the Tomb of a Thousand Doors (particularly since I have the Mausritter boxed sets).


I was playing (GMíng) a mausritter game for a 10yr old that was playing his very first RPG. He was a small mouse (mausritter) and he had to get by a scary, hungry and big snake. He didn’t want to fight it at all, but wanted to sneak past it. We had discussed possible scenarios on when he would need to roll, and because of this, everything that seemed challenging he would immediately ask “how many dice do I need to roll? and what number do I need to get less than?”… anyhow, here he was, sneaking past a snake, and rolling with sucess for 3 consecutive sneak attempts. It was so great to see the reaction of being able to do what he wanted in-game, and of rolling good numbers each time. Very fun!

I loved the branding!

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There are so many great stories here - thanks everyone for sharing! I’m really enjoying reading these :smile:

If you have posted here, and you want an extra entry into the draw (or you just want to vote anyway), the next step in the ongoing journey is live and open for voting now. If you voted on the previous poll, voting on this one will add another entry into the draw.

Read the story and vote on the next step here:

Any logged-in user can vote, and joining is free if you aren’t already a member.

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I’ll never forget how an act of generosity caused an entire district of Waterdeep to be burned to the ground. I was playing through Dungeon of the Mad Mage at a game store as part of an adventure league campaign. Our party had headed to the docks to track down some sort of information we needed. We were crossing over a walkway when some gang confronted us and demanded a toll of a few silver pieces. The monk in the party said that he didn’t care for material wealth at all, here take this… and handed them a sack of gold. They looked at it with shock and then began demanding more toll payments. All of a sudden, other gangs showed up, the word having spread about these fools handing out bags of gold. Soon after the gangs were fighting with each other and a full scale riot broke out. At that same moment, a Kraken burst out of the bay and started smashing boats and dragging people into the water left and right. During the riot, somebody knocked over a lantern and a fire spread. The next thing you know the entire slums area of Waterdeep had burned to a cinder. It was insane and hilarious.

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Playing TTRPGs with kids is always a blast - they create memorable moments for sure!

Definitely! There have been loads of times when I’ve rolled for something and it has a neat connection to the ongoing story, inspiring a whole lot more adventure.

:smile: That’s definitely a hazard in Campsite Caper - improper use of grease can be harmful.

I mean - that is very cool - I love it when players (especially kids!) come up with plans like that, and they just come together beautifully.

Sounds like a treacherous plan indeed! You have to take risks for the good loot though :smile:

That reaction when things go according to plan is always great to see :slight_smile:

This is such a great story - just one of those things that feels so innocent (and even wholesome) at first, but just escalated so dramatically and ends in genuine carnage. Love it!

I love these games! Thank you for everything you do! Excited for the giveaway contest!

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