Eared sees some combat! (Eared's Journey #6)

So close! Well, let’s see what happens…

As the rat exits the alley, he turns the corner and immediately comes face-to-face with Eared and Kester trying to remain hidden. Not wanting to drop the sack of food, the rat whips out the cocktail sword that he had attached to his belt and wields it menacingly. Fortunately for our heroes, Eared was prepared for this outcome and starts swinging his sling, getting ready to attack.

Meanwhile, Kester, without any weapons of his own, slinks back into the darkness out of fear. He can fight if needed, but with only his paws to attack, he feels woefully under-prepared.

It looks like we’re finally going to see some combat here. To get us all up to speed, here are the relevant stats for Eared, Kester, and the rat:

Eared Grant, merchant
3hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 9
Attacks: d6 sling & stones (light ranged)

Kester, packrat hireling
3hp, STR 6, DEX 12, WIL 8
Attacks: d4 paws (no equipped weapon)
These stats are outlined at the start of this story.

Rat, foot soldier for the Packratz
5hp, STR 10, DEX 13, WIL 9
Attacks: d6/d8 cocktail sword (medium melee)
These stats are outlined in the extended bestiary for Rolling Coast.

Eared was somewhat prepared for this, so he’s going to go first, followed by the rat. Since Kester isn’t keen to fight, he will only enter the fray if necessary.